Wenatchee Film Company To Debut Documentary
A documentary filmed in Wenatchee and other cities will make its debut Thursday (03/30).
The film is called "We're Not Lost - The Last Ride Of The Show Ponies". It's about a bluegrass, Americana band that's calling it quits.
"They toured all over the country. That was sort of their full time gig for seven years out of college. Life caught up with them and they decided that it was time to break up the band but instead of just breaking up, like most bands do, they decided to do a goodbye tour." Co-Director Jeff Ostenson said.
Ostenson is part of a larger crew with North Forty Productions, a production company in Wenatchee that specializes in creating media for marketing purposes. Most of their work is with clients, but they've launched a few other projects including "Lifted", a tribute to Mission Ridge's 50th anniversary season and a "A Lot Of Fuss About A Parade", celebrating the Apple Blossom Festival's 100th anniversary.
North 40's latest film will open at the Numerica Performing Arts Center in Wenatchee Thursday night (3/30) followed by shows in Ballard and Prosser, two of the band's farewell tour stops along with Wenatchee.
"We followed them along on the tour, filming them as they were doing the shows and saying goodbye to fans, saying goodbye to each other, saying goodbye to, at least in this case, the dream of the Show Ponies making it big." Ostenson said.
Ostenson says North 40 has other projects in the works. One is about native treaty fishing rights, better known as the Boldt Decision: United States v. State of Washington. He says it's a look back on what that decision 50 years ago means to tribes and salmon.
If you would like to see "We're Not Lost - The Last Ride Of The Show Ponies" in Wenatchee, you can get your tickets online through the PAC website or at the door. Tickets are $12.
The film makes its big premier in Los Angeles April 11th.

Bands With No Original Members