In case you hadn't noticed, today is Valentine's Day. And if you're just now getting the memo and have a significant other waiting for you at home, then you've potentially got a big problem.
But don't worry! I'm here to help :-)
Being no fan of V-Day myself but having lived ostensibly in domestic bliss with a number of women throughout the course of my life, I've been where you're at before...
The latest bill in Olympia's Transportation Committee considers a road usage per mile tax.
12th District State Rep. Mike Steele signed up for the pilot program, but do not mistake that for his support of H.B. 1921.
"It really is a terrible way, I think, to raise additional revenue," Rep...
A Kennewick woman is dead following a single-vehicle accident in Kittitas County on Thursday afternoon.
The Washington State Patrol reports it occurred at just before 4 p.m. on Interstate-90 about 15 miles east of Kittitas, when the 23-year-old woman lost control of the sedan she was driving, went off the roadway, and crashed...
Ephrata Police Department releases the cause of death for the inmate who died New Year's Eve in Grant County Jail.
According to a release, the Grant County Coroner's Office determined 31-year-old Richard Lambert died from sepsis due to peritontis and his death has been ruled an accident due to a bicycle crash on railroad tracks days before his arrest...
The Washington state Legislature is continuing debate changes to the Parents Bill of Rights. The citizen's initiative to the legislature is facing a series of revisions that lawmakers agreed to enact into law last year.
12th District Rep. Brian Burnett...