From overseeing HR at Dolco Packaging to managing staff at Wenatchee School District, Lisa Turner brings a wealth of experience to her role at Wenatchee Valley College.
The words "play ball" will not be heard at the site of the new Wenatchee School District (WSD) softball complex for at least another month.
The District originally planned on cutting the ribbon at its new multi-million-dollar facility in August but has had to delay the opening due to numerous construction setbacks...
Students at Orchard Middle School in Wenatchee are no longer feeling the heat after the installation of several fixes to the building's HVAC system.
On July 8, Orchard's cooling units failed while students were on summer break, but the replacement parts needed for repairs did not arrive in time to have the air conditioning up and running when kids went back to class last month...
The Wenatchee School District has hired a new Girls' head swimming coach.
Christian Cutter is a 2020 graduate of Wenatchee High School who was also a member of the Velocity Swim Club for 14 years (2007-2021) during his time as a student in the District...
The complaint filed by Chelan Douglas Health District board member and Licensed Hydrogeologist Bill Sullivan claims School Superintendent Kory Kalahar used school resources for political activity in countering a mass mailer that was critical of the district's policies.
Ready to tackle the back-to-school frenzy? Make sure to grab all the essentials from the supply lists for Eastmont, Wenatchee, Cashmere, Quincy, and Waterville schools!