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Bonhoeffer Weekend at Grace Lutheran Church in Wenatchee
Bonhoeffer Weekend at Grace Lutheran Church in Wenatchee
Bonhoeffer Weekend at Grace Lutheran Church in Wenatchee
The role of the Church in Politics and the life and philosophy of Dietrich Bonhoeffer is the focus of series of presentations at Grace Lutheran Church in Wenatchee later this month. Bonhoeffer was a German theologian, prominent Christian writer and harsh opponent of Hitler's Nazi Germany.   H...
Washington Wildlife Officials Consider Lethal Wolf Removal
Washington Wildlife Officials Consider Lethal Wolf Removal
Washington Wildlife Officials Consider Lethal Wolf Removal
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife is considering the lethal removal of at least one wolf from the Onion Creek pack in NE Washington. About two weeks ago, WDFW lethally removed a yearling female and an adult male from the Onion Creek pack territory on September 19th following a series of livestock depredations that resulted in WDFW’s Director authorizing lethal removal of members of th

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