I am certainly not an expert on these sorts of things, but I do read articles written by experts and there is a belief that we're going to see a spike in COVID cases this summer. Now this is not an anomaly. This is turning into a pattern.  

According to KOUW.com.
Many expected Covid to align with that timing and join the other respiratory viruses, but it seems the pattern Covid has settled into is to spike during winter, and then again in summer, just as you get ready to go on vacation.” 

Aly White/canva
Aly White/canva

The CDC is saying that the national level of COVID is low with levels being highest in the Northeast, Florida and California. My sister Jenny (who is older than me) Has had at least two friends who have gone on vacation over the last two years who wound up contracting COVID-19 while on vacation. 

Another friend of hers that she just visited last week called her up to say, “I have COVID-19, get yourself tested”, happily she came out negative on that one. (So far.) She tested herself over the next two days to make sure, she's still OK. 

In an interview with KUOW.com, Dr. Scott Lindquist, the Washington state epidemiologist said,
“What this means to me, and what I think the public needs to know, is that it is still here, and we need to be careful”
Our oldest Americans are most at risk so please be careful if you're traveling this summer.  

Aly White/canva
Aly White/canva

Protect yourself and remember to have a great summer. 

KUOW - Covid is back just in time for your summer vacation
KUOW - Covid isolation reduced to 24 hours in Washington state
KUOW - Summer Covid surge hits Washington state

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Gallery Credit: JD Knight