How long does it take to rebuild a home destroyed by wildfire? Especially if you can't start building until you receive a check from your insurance company. If it takes longer than a year, you might be out of luck. 

If you have insurance to cover the loss of a home, it's possible that your insurance company will only pay living expenses for a year. Now think about those living expenses coming out of your pocket while you're trying to rebuild your home and you see the problem. 

according to,
Washington Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler is calling on insurance companies to extend living expense coverage to people impacted by the Gray and Oregon Road fires in Spokane County last year.” 

A firefighter extinguishes dry grass. A firefighter is fighting a fire in an open area.

Well, this has got me thinking about my home and the insurance that I have covering it so I made a phone call to my insurance agent, Tim, to find out more. Here's what he had to say. The homeowner's policy on my home covers up to two years of living expenses. But he also mentioned that my insurance carrier was considering switching to a hard dollar amount cap. 

Losing your home to catastrophe is devastating to you emotionally And of course, monetarily. Potentially losing everything you own, including the house, I can't imagine how you recover from that. I have one-of-a-kind items in my home that are irreplaceable, I think about some of these things that I have in my house now, and I think maybe I should start distributing them to my kids now, so they are protected if my house is consumed by wildfire.  

Smokehouse Creek Fire In Texas Panhandle
Getty Images

I know it sounds morbid but there it is, it's something I need to take care of. 

Washington Insurance Commissioner asks insurance companies to extend benefits for wildfire vicitms | News |

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According to, there are 13 hidden fire hazards in your home.

Gallery Credit: Kyle Matthews

Wyoming Fire Crews Battle Wildfires

Fires popped up in the Bighorn and Bridger-Teton National Forest along with Campbell County in Sep. 2021.