GivingTuesday happens every year as a charitable answer to the Black Friday and Cyber Monday retail shopping blitzes.  Giving Tuesday is an annual celebration of generosity and falls on December 3rd this year.

The concept started in 2012 as a simple idea: a day to encourage people to do good.

Local animal welfare communities have tried to use Giving Tuesday to encourage people to financially support their local community animal shelter.  The effort resulted from surveys that revealed most people are unaware of the funding shortages community pet shelters and rescues are facing.  Another misconception is that two national animal welfare organizations provide financial support to local shelters

Graphic: Center For The Environment and Welfare Youtube
Graphic: Center For The Environment and Welfare Youtube

The Center For The Environment and Welfare (CEW) surveyed almost 2,000 shelters and found 98% reported receiving any financial assistance from the ASPCA or the Humane Society of the United States.  Nearly 75% had inadequate funding levels and the CEW survey also revealed those powerful and heart-tugging TV commercials aired by the  ASPCA and Humane Society of the United States has led to fewer local donations.

CEW's  Executive Director Jack Hubbard said the survey findings uncovered confusion among supporters who thought the well-known organizations were regular financial contributors to their local shelter.

"Across the nation, well-meaning animal lovers donate to big national charities like the ASPCA and the Humane Society of the United States, mistakenly believing that they operate pet shelters in their communities. In reality, the Humane Society of the United States operates zero pet shelters, and neither organization is affiliated with local humane societies and SPCAs. On Giving Tuesday and every day, the best way to help cats and dogs is to give directly to your local pet shelter."


--Jack Hubbard, CEO, Center for the Environment and Welfare


Read more about CEW's survey findings

Wenatchee Valley Humane Society has several fundraisers this Holiday season and ways to make charitable donations.  Follow the WAYS TO GIVE and GET INVOLVED links at

Okandogs in Cashmere, WA is privately run animale rescue and also in need of year round community support to continue their work

Team Okanogan County Rescue (TOAR) is Team Okanogan is a newly created non-profit dedicated to building a shelter in Okanogan County, Washington. The community has no shelter to serve thousands of lost and homeless animals and the residents of Okanogan County.  Ways to help TOAR

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