Damage Sustained From Wenatchee Strip Mall Fire
There’s damage from a Saturday morning fire in a Wenatchee strip mall.
The Wenatchee Valley Fire Department arrived to the scene at 1210 North Wenatchee Avenue where they found smoke coming from a fire on the roof.
The fire triggered a water flow alarm inside the building.
Fire department spokesperson Kay McKellar said there was significant smoke damage to one business in the strip mall, the Harle Center.
Crews were sent to the fire at 5:35am and had the fire out by 6:15am but continued to ventilate the business of smoke.
The Fire Marshall was on the scene to investigate before 8am Saturday but has not released the cause of the fire.
35 Top 'Washington' Entries on Urban Dictionary
Good, Bad, Ugly, Funny, and some of the tamer NSFW (blurred). These are 35 of the most amusing Washington mentions on the Urban Dictionary website.
Gallery Credit: tsm/Timmy!