Here Are the Pets Banned in Washington
What town do you think has more dogs per capita…Wenatchee or East Wenatchee?
I’m going to use my personal experience.
When I’m running, in East Wenatchee, I seem to get a lot more dogs barking at me. I encounter far less barking on my runs in Wenatchee. A dog barking at strangers, stems from its deep love to protect its humans.
Obviously, domesticated animals like dogs and cats are legal. So are farm animals. The FFA and 4-H clubs do a great job of teaching the future generations about taking care of pigs, chickens, cows, sheep & horses.
What are the State laws on having certain animals as pets?
Washington State Law clearly states that no one can own an animal, that is naturally found in the Wild in our State. So, Coyotes, Cougars, Mule Deer and Racoons are illegal as pets.
Washington State law also makes it illegal to own animals that can infect people with rabies - so its a big no to bats, skunks & foxes.
Dwarf epauletted fruit bat (Micropteropus pussilus) flying at night.
Looking for food
Along the same lines, you cannot own wild birds, such as Sea Gulls, Quail or Pheasants.
Any animal that would harm the environment or other native animals are deemed illegal, such as wild sheep, wild goats or a mongoose.
close up cute meerkat animal relaxing in the dessert
An animal that would be dangerous to humans or domesticated animals are also off limits. So no bears, cougars, lions, tigers, crocodiles or monkeys.
Single lion looking regal standing proudly on a small hill
Refer to this link for the full list of animals that you can and cannot have as pets.
INFO SOURCE: Washington State Department of Agriculture
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