COME FLY WITH ME: Out of Wenatchee (More Than Once A Day)
COME FLY WITH ME: Out of Wenatchee (More Than Once A Day)
It was one of the bigger stories here in the Wenatchee Valley in 2022. And it frustrated many trying to fly out of Pangborn Airport for business, family affairs, vacations, or for those who just enjoy sitting closely to others in very tiny uncomfortable seats on an airbus.
Of course I’m talking about Alaska Airlines reducing three flights in and out of Pangborn, to just one flight in and one flight out. And the fact that they are scheduled just after noon time, means we’re either showing up later to our final destination, or we have to leave extremely early from the airport we’re departing from to get to Seattle in time to get on that one flight back to Wenatchee. And that’s an IF you can get that flight. Otherwise we’re camping out at Sea-Tac. And again, that’s only IF we’re able to book a seat on that one flight back. Of course this leads to what we want from Pangborn.
MORE FLIGHTS Gee, thanks for stating the obvious. Yeah, if Alaska Airlines could get back to at least three flights in and out of Pangborn. But the question I have, is it economical for them to return to a regular schedule? If not, could another come in to make it work?
ANOTHER AIRLINE Some time ago I asked what other airline we’d like to see come to Pangborn. People tend to like Alaska, but the frequent flyer favorite was Frontier. When it came to best overall record, Delta came in first place. I wasn’t surprised that United didn’t make this list. Although they have recently been trying to change their image, United has been guilty of overbooking their flights. Yes, others do too, but I can tell you that I personally watched United Airline shell out over $20,000 at LAX for overbooking my flight by 30+ people. And the last thing we want with a lack of flights is not getting on that plane to Seattle and miss that connecting flight. Which brings up the next thing we want.
OTHER HUBS Why only Sea-Tac? We’d love to see direct flights to San Francisco or Salt Lake City? And there were a few people who thought a flight to Spokane would be nice. Maybe? Here’s some good news! Pangborn has been awarded Federal Small Community Air Service Development grant of $75,000 to support its effort to land non-stop service to SFO. You can go to flywenatchee.com to find out how you can support the efforts. And here’s to hoping this happens in 2023!
DINER One of my favorite things about being at an airport during a layover or just waiting for my flight…because I got there early….is having a drink and a small meal. I have favorites at many airports. There’s a place I always go to for breakfast at SFO. Yes, Pangborn is a small airport, and yes, there is a cafe, although I’ve never seen it open when I’ve been there. But there’s a even smaller airport in Hawthorne, California (home of the Beach Boys) that has a restaurant called, Eureka! with a fantastic kitchen. The place is always packed…and most are not there to catch a flight. Many are there to watch planes land and take off. And enjoy the great food. All that to say, it could work!
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