
Royal City K9 Unit Receives Ballistic Vest
Royal City K9 Unit Receives Ballistic Vest
Royal City K9 Unit Receives Ballistic Vest
Royal City Police Department's K9, "Ollie," has new protection. Thanks to local efforts from Grant County PUD and the Grant County Industrial Alliance (GCIA), Ollie now has a ballistic vest to guard him. In early January, GCIA's Chuck Sutton and Lisa Karstetter, along with Grant PUD's "Pay-it-Forward" program representative Chuck Allen, presented $2,500 in donations to help pay
Company Aiming To Build Fusion Power Plant Near Malaga Visiting Site
Company Aiming To Build Fusion Power Plant Near Malaga Visiting Site
Company Aiming To Build Fusion Power Plant Near Malaga Visiting Site
Representatives from an Everett-based company that wants to build the world's first nuclear fusion power plant are in Chelan County this week to take a closer look at one of its potential sites for the venture. Helion Energy has already signed an agreement to provide fusion power to Microsoft in the region and the Chelan-Douglas Regional Port Authority has authorized the company to conduct a feasi

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