Are we ready for wildfires in Washington state?
Watching the continuous coverage of the Los Angeles Wild. Fires is heart wrenching. And aside from making a monetary donation. Which to me feels totally inadequate. One thing that pops to mind is. Is Washington State ready for wildfires?
Those of us who live in Eastern Washington have certainly experienced wildfires before, and many of us have been very lucky that those wildfires have not encroached on residential properties (for the most part.)
The most memorable wildfire for me occurred. When I was attending the Winthrop Rhythm and Blues Festival. And the fire knocked out the power. Not just for the festival, but for the whole area. Promoters wound up going to Wenatchee to get generators So that it could continue.
Now, residents in Western Washington are starting to feel. The pressure of potential wildfires where they live. And the question arises. “Are we ready?”
One of the greatest tragedies of the LA wildfires. Is the large number of homeowners who had their homeowner's insurance cancelled just days before the event Is something like that possible to happen in Washington state?
According to KOMONews.com,
‘The state Office of the Insurance Commissioner confirms homeowner insurance covers wildfires and that they’re not aware of any cases in which there would be an exclusion.’
If you haven't already, you need to find out more about what you need to do to prepare your home and protect yourself from the impacts of wildfire in Washington state. Use the links below to find out more.
Washington officials urge wildfire preparedness amid California crisis
Washington fire crews arrive in LA to join thousands fighting fierce wildfires
Washington homeowners worry about potential insurance coverage gaps amid LA wildfires
Wildfires and homeowner insurance | Washington state Office of the Insurance Commissioner
Devastating Los Angeles Wildfires in Photos
10 Tips To Prevent Wildfires
Gallery Credit: Cort Freeman
WSDOT Releases New Wildfire Photos