Several residents in the Columbia Basin are buzzing after reportedly spotting what they say was a meteor in the skies over the weekend.

Most of the reports came from the Quincy area where at least one person reported seeing a streaking object with a long trail of smoke behind it during the daylight hours on Saturday.

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Although many of the witnesses believed it to have been a meteor, there are no official reports of sightings from the National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA), the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Association (NOAA), or private agencies such as The Aerospace Corporation's Debris Sightings log.

While it's possible the object may have been a meteor, it's just as likely that it was a form of space junk, although no official sightings have yet been registered with agencies such as the Center for Orbital & Reentry Debris or the AstriaGraph site at the University of Texas.

Perseid Meteor Shower